Success Strategies for the New Rate Environment
Success Strategies for the New Rate Environment In recent months, the Reserve Bank of Australia has opted to keep official interest rates stable. Tuesday 5 September marked the third consecutive month without change. While this decision might come with a sigh of relief, as a business owner it’s essential to understand the implications (don’t worry […]
Mayor Teresa Harding September Update
Mayor’s column | Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce monthly newsletter September 2023 Springfield road upgrades progressing well The upgrade of Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial, the largest in council’s history, continues to progress on schedule. One important part is revegetation with planting having already begun on the Springfield Greenbank Arterial corridor – the greenery […]
Maximise Savings in Your Business Expenses
Maximise Savings in Your Business Expenses In today’s dynamic business landscape, entrepreneurs and business owners face an array of challenges that can impact their bottom line. With rising inflation, interest rates, and wavering consumer confidence, finding ways to optimise your business’s financial health is crucial. One element of a proven strategy to weather these storms […]