Mayor’s column | Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce monthly newsletter
September 2023
Springfield road upgrades progressing well
The upgrade of Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial, the largest in council’s history, continues to progress on schedule. One important part is revegetation with planting having already begun on the Springfield Greenbank Arterial corridor – the greenery is a welcome sight! For Stage 1, council planted more than 20,000 trees to suit the climate and conditions of the Springfield region. Stage 1 lane duplication works are also almost complete with a final major construction phase underway. This involves the roundabout at Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial being removed to make way for a new intersection with traffic lights. When complete, the intersection will manage six lanes of traffic travelling from three directions. For more information see council’s Major Projects webpage.
The next Spielberg in Springfield?
The greater Springfield area is full of young people with exciting creative potential and there’s no better way to get a start in the creative industries than entering the Ipswich Film Festival for Youth! The festival has been running for nine years and our city’s young and emerging talent continues to impress. I have no doubt that we have the talent in the greater Springfield area to produce the next viral sensation or future Oscar winner. Entries must be no longer than five minutes (or 300 seconds) long, and will be judged on the storyline, editing techniques, use of effects, and the inclusion of the festival camera logo, allowing plenty of room for entrants’ creativity and imagination. There’s also more than $3,000 in prizes to help advance your filmmaking! For more details visit the Ipswich Film Festival For Youth (IFFY) webpage.
Have your say on shaping South East Queensland
Ipswich is booming, and this growth is guided by a strategy of the Queensland Government known as ShapingSEQ, the SEQ Regional Plan. The State is ultimately responsible for ensuring our region is prepared to accommodate the growth taking place in South East Queensland. Through its newly released draft ShapingSEQ 2032 Update, the State is now asking communities to have a say on how the region grows, including Ipswich. The draft plan looks at things such as where growth should take place, housing density and diversity, and environmental areas that need to be protected. It’s a big picture plan and definitely worth Ipswich residents having a look and providing feedback – particularly residents who may have questions or concerns around growth and development in Ipswich. Council is also reviewing the plan and will make a submission on behalf of the community. The draft ShapingSEQ update is also available online.
Spring into action and Get Ready, Greater Springfield!
Spring has arrived and that means longer days, gardens in full bloom and that it is time to Get Ready for the summer season ahead. Queensland may be the sunshine state, but we are also home to the highest frequency of disasters nationally. So, as we head into another bushfire and storm season, it is critical that we all prepare and be ready to respond. Council is hosting several events to help Greater Springfield residents Get Ready: on 20 September, 9am to 4pm, there will be a Get Ready event at the Springfield Central Library; on 10 October, 9am to 11am, there will be a Story & Toddler Time – Get Ready event at the Springfield Central Library; on 11 October, 9am to 2.30pm, there will be the Youth Sustainability Summit at the Ipswich Civic Centre and the final event will be the Ipswich Sustainable Living Festival, on 21 October, 9am to 11am, at Tulmur Place, Nicholas Street Precinct.